Today, Mashti Shirvani follows that same centuries-old tradition, with many imaginative new twists that are uniquely his own. Now, almost 40 years later, Mashti and younger brother Matt are busier than ever, running the shop with the funny name and the wildly delicious concoctions of icy delights.Ĭoincidentally, the first person to vend ice cream in Iran was named Akbar Mashti and, in the 1920s, he served locals his bastani sonnati, an ice cream consisting of milk, eggs, sugar, rose water, vanilla, saffron, and pistachios. But it wasn’t long before his artful creations, with their luscious, exotic allure, began wooing customers to the shop in droves. In an effort to save money on the large store sign, he merely changed “Mugsy” to “Mashti”…and L.A.’s most famous ice cream shop was born!Īt first, local residents were skeptical of ice cream with rice noodles and various Persian spices. With only a few dollars to his name, Mashti bought an existing ice cream shop called Mugsy Malone’s. In his words, “I wanted to be in the happiness business.” But he was still hopelessly fascinated by the magic of ice cream and decided to make that wonderful treat the focus of his career.
during the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Mashti worked as a chef in one of Los Angeles’ first Persian restaurants. Coming from a family of restaurateurs, Mashti began making ice cream and sour cherry sharbat – a form of sorbet – at an early age, in his uncle’s ice cream store.Īfter immigrating to the U.S. Even as a kid growing up in Iran, Mashti Sirvani had a deep affection for ice cream.